10 x 10m, 10x 15m Bedouin Tent Installation for Exhibition Event
28th September, 2019 Bedouin Tent Installation for Exhibition Event. Bedouin Tent size 10 x 10m, 10 x 20m, white color, 750gsm coated PVC fabric, 0.82mm thickness. More details…
10 x 20' Gable Tent Install
Chuang Dong Limited install Gable Tent on 16th, May, 2019. Gable Tent size 10 x 20, white top fabric & white sidewall with window.
10 x 10m Stretch Tent Install
Chuang Dong Limited install Stretch Tent on 6th, June, 2019. Stretch Tent size 10 x 10m, cream color top fabric with four poles.
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